Proximity Keyfobs Ring Access Control

Proximity Keyfobs Ring Access Control

Category: Access Card


Product Description


  1. Works as a regular 125 Khz RFID key tag
  2. Designed to be programmed by the programmer
  3. Compatible with all ID door access devices or ID reader (125 KHz)
  4. Size 41 x 33 x 4.3mm fits perfectly in your wallet
  5. Ideal for usage in ID and Access Control
  6. Material PVC
  7. Operation Temperature -40°c to 85°c
  8. Waterproof


  1. Water resistant
  2. Each comes with Key ring included
  3. Each token pre-programmed with unique ID which is Laser printing on it
  4. Printing of full color logo or any customization information are available on both side

Application scope: public transportation, parking, ID identification, attendance system, ticketing, card payment, product logo, etc. 

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